Certificate in Contemporary Chaplaincy

Certificate in Contemporary Chaplaincy


Course Provider: Waverley Abbey College

Study our Contemporary Chaplaincy course and get equipped to support others and share God’s love with the people in your church, workplace, school, youth group and beyond.

  • What you will gain
  • Ability to assess challenges/opportunities in a Chaplaincy context
  • An understanding of mission – who owns it and how you can join in
  • An awareness of the importance of culture and context
  • A range of models of Chaplaincy to use and apply to your context
  • Strategies for developing an environment of faith enquiry
  • Tools for engaging with and using apologetics within atheistic and multi-faith environments
  • A self-care assessment toolkit

Why study with us?
Your spiritual growth and wellbeing is important to us. At Waverley Abbey College, we have a heritage of creating ways for people to grow in faith, and this permeates the whole course. You will reach new depths in your relationship with God as you study with us.

The course dives into theology, unpacking key areas, while also benefiting from theory such as psychology and sociology that will help you understand contemporary contexts. Waverley Abbey College is renowned for this kind of teaching method.

You will be engaging in a Chaplaincy placement right from the start, while studying the skills you need to finesse your practice. As well as teaching you useful, life-changing Chaplaincy methods and tools, the course includes times for reflection and discussion.

Course booking details Other 1726491945-Shape Cross-professions
September 2024
June 2025
24/25 fees
Tutor led £2000
Self led £2000