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ACC’s response to UKCP’s withdrawal from MoU

ACC note that the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) has taken the decision to withdraw its signature from the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy in the UK v2 (MoU) and its membership of the Coalition Against Conversion Therapy. You can read the UKCP statement in full here. ACC will be asking for a discussion with the coalition about the concerns that have led UKCP to this decision. 

The motivation to become a counsellor

By Heather Barton

SCoPEd partnership update

The six SCoPEd partners are providing this update on the important work currently underway with regards to the SCoPEd framework implementation, governance and impact assessment.

On research ethics

By Dr Janet E. Penny

Reflection on the Churchill framework

By Dr Heather Churchill

Coalition launches toolkit for psychological therapies training to broaden diversity in the sector

A toolkit for psychological therapies training is being launched by the Coalition for Inclusion and Anti-Oppressive Practice, to help the UK counselling and psychotherapy sectors better understand and address race and diversity.

Coalition for Inclusion and Anti-oppressive Practice

The Association of Christians in Counselling and Linked Professions (ACC) is part of the Coalition for Inclusion and Anti-oppressive Practice which brings together organisations with a shared mission to improve diversity within the counselling, psychotherapy and psychological therapy professions.

Five SCoPEd partners have reached an agreement with NHS Talking Therapies to accredit a new NHS postgraduate training pilot

In 2021, it was announced that NHS England was to roll out a landmark three-year pilot programme to provide fully funded training for psychotherapeutic counselling within IAPT services (now called NHS Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression). The training will be accredited by five of the six SCoPEd partners currently recognised in the NHS Talking Therapies manual (ACC, BPC, BACP, NCS, and UKCP)1, with UKCP acting as lead accrediting body on behalf of the partners.

SCoPEd partners adopt framework

As independent chair of the SCoPEd Oversight Committee, I’m pleased to confirm that all partners have formally decided to adopt the SCoPEd framework. This has been decided individually by each of the partners.

Latest update on phase two work of SCoPEd framework (December 2022)

The SCoPEd partners would like to share the latest update from the SCoPEd Oversight Committee, Independent Chair, Paul Buckley on the recent phase two work. This work has included: