This 6-session, self-led small group course is suitable for ALL church/organisation members (e.g. home groups, cell groups and fellowship groups) as well as SOME church members involved, or thinking about becoming involved, in pastoral care in the church and community.
The course considers a Christian perspective of pastoral care, dimensions and definitions of pastoral care, who is called to care for whom, caring qualities, Jesus the carer, listening to others, to God and to ourselves, confidentiality and resources. Each session is designed for 1½ hours and offers opportunity for bible study, discussion, sharing and reflection. The course comes in the format of a workbook, which contains the material for each session and guidelines on how to use it. It builds on the understanding of developing quality relationships and is a useful step into the trainer-led 'Foundations in Pastoral Care' for SOME people who want to more specifically develop their call into the ministry of pastoral care.
The workbook is free to download, however, we would be grateful if you would consider making a donation towards the development of this course as well as future resources we hope to develop to equip churches and communities for effective pastoral care. You can make a donation here.